How we came from Zero to Zero55?
For the same reason that there is behind a lighting project: the will to obtain a particular light, with that specific lighting effect, capable of arouse that emotion.
It was like that when there were light bulbs, and it is also like that now, with a new light source, much smaller and flexible, capable of adapting itself to many needs, that can be manipulated in order to get the wanted effect.
The diffusion of LED technology entailed the need to understand how to use it in the best way, how to perfectly control the light beam, and that led us to develop an optical system that could rise to the situation, good enough to perfectly enlighten and to arouse feelings.
And it was this need that led Arch. Massimo Sacconi to the idea of a perfect optical system, with a tiny and an extremely flexible light source. Very different from a light bulb, designed to let the light speak, nothing more.
It was from these assumptions that in 2016 a new linear lighting technology’s idea was born, named Drywall, that is founded on two important principles: the de-materialization of the lighting fixtures, and the light as the only element, in all its essence, capable of enhancing art and architecture’s beauties, that fill the Florentine area.
This brilliant idea was converted into a patent first, and then into an actual company: Zero55.
The brand started to expand very quickly on the Italian territory, collaborating with the main lighting designers, laying the foundations for its current growth outside the national borders.
Today, Drywall technology is used into various products, all customizable, when necessary, to best respond to each project need.
All products, in fact, are based on Zero55’s philosophy, consisting into orienting the company’s activity to the market, more precisely “to the client”, trying to understand who are the customers, what are their wishes and how to satisfy them.
Each project is handled with care and precision, from the first ideation phases to the final installation. One fundamental aspect in Zero55’s work is the attention to the conservation and the protection of the artworks and the environment around them, avoiding invasive building work that could damage the existing structures. If it is a museum, a church, an artwork, or a retail space, Zero55 works passionately in order to create the wanted atmosphere through light.
Zero55 is now a structure characterized by an extreme flexibility, to best adapt to the various customers’ requests, not tied to the strict dynamics of the industrial production’s companies, and it is able to offer a complete service, that includes technical expertise, attention to the detail, and artisanal care.
Zero55’s craftmanship expresses itself by designing bespoke solutions, caring every production process’ aspect: using high-quality materials, in a sustainable design process.