When it comes to lighting for museums or for an exhibition, the aspects to consider are various: from the analysis of the degree of photosensitivity of the artworks for conservation aims, to the good visual perception of the artworks themselves, and the choice of the right project solutions to guarantee the best visual comfort for the visitors.
These three main aspects must be combined with care and the choice of the lighting fixtures plays a key role in order to get a great result.
Technological solutions must be discreet and at the service of the artworks.
The evaluation of the degree of photosensitivity of the different materials which the artwork is made of is the first step to define the illuminance’s levels on the object.
It is important to remind that if it’s the case of particularly sensitive artworks such as: frescoes, tapestries, watercolors, drawings or other painting techniques made with organic pigments, the illuminance’s levels for a proper conservation does not have to be over 50lx.
Other materials or techniques such as oil paintings, not-painted leather and wood, horn, bones, ivory, lacquer, and some plastic materials, can be exposed up to 200lx. In case of objects and sculptures made with materials which are not photosensitive, such as: metals, stones, some types of glass, pottery, varnishes and most minerals, there are no limits on the illuminance’s levels on the objects for a conservation aims.
More conservation aspects are influenced by the spectral composition of light, even for the natural light, full of UV rays, and many other parameters such as humidity and temperature.
A good visual perception of the artwork is influenced both by the LED spectral choice and the light incidence on the object. For bidimensional and tridimensional artworks (statues, bas-reliefs or high reliefs) the visual rendering of colors is fundamental to appreciate all the nuances of the painting or the materials. The choice of an appropriate lighting source has a fundamental role.
The light incidence must avoid, in case of bidimensional artworks such as oil paintings or paintings protected by glass, bothering reflections of the lighting sources, and, in case of sculptures and tridimensional artworks, it must facilitate the volumetric view of the object and the materiality of its surface.
In this context, the possibility to design custom solutions to satisfy all the different exhibition needs is a great advantage.
According to every need, Zero55 supports its customers from the first designing phases of the exhibition, offering its skills and knowledge in optics optimization, always pairing them with high-quality LEDs.
Zero55’s lighting fixtures are conceived not only to guarantee high photometric performances, but they can also be designed and realized in order to adapt to the aesthetical necessities of the exhibition, with both their forms and finishes.
Where it is required, our production skills allow us to design custom products that can distinguish also for their designs, for example in historical spaces where there is the necessity to recreate a vintage apartment, or where the designer wants to combine a more contemporary style in an historical context.
The respect we have for the historical and cultural heritage and for the spaces where it is kept, encourages us to come up with efficient technological solutions, long-lasting and discreet, minimal and not invasive to the eye.
Visual comfort is another aspect we care a lot about and that is part of our products’ conception, that can be equipped with the appropriate accessories if the installation’s conditions require them.
We don’t need to show our brand, you can find it in the lighting performances of our products, even if the lighting fixture is concealed.
Working with designers, studying new concepts and manufacture them with our skills is our daily challenge.
Many of our research and activities, in the past and today, are developed in the cultural heritage field.
It’s a rewarding experience, and Zero55 is always committed to design innovative solutions, proving that, with the “tailoring” skills of the company, it’s possible to satisfy needs and goals of the customer and the project.